Monday, 19 September 2011

Blog 2

In our second lesson, we started off by being given an in-depth explaination of our levels, the way points are awarded for each section of our course, and how they work, and did some short tasks in our BTEC Diploma textbook.
After break, we did some photoshop work. We had a brief task to learn the basic skills, then we did some more complicated things, trying out the magnetic lassoo tool etc. When we had finished that, we were given cameras and brainstormed ideas for photographs we could take and incorperate into an A5 poster for Electric December, I had the idea of taking some artistic background shots, then taking a picture of someone who has eye-catching eyes, as it were, to create an abstract film-festival feel to my poster. I took these photos, then we returned to 4N07 and uploaded them to our computers via usb cable. I then began editing it into a final product.

After lunch I began writing up my notes into a formal research report on Electric December, and emailed it to myself so I could complete it at home.

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